QR Code Placement - Where to Put QR Code ( Best Places & Tips)

Shahla Abdulova

Apr 18, 2024

5 min read

QR Code Placement

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Enhancing the accessibility of QR codes involves several strategies to improve visibility, clarity, and usability. Key methods include enlarging the code size, using high-contrast colors, placing QR codes in easily accessible locations, providing clear instructions, and ensuring that linked content is accessible to all users.

Businesses integrate QR codes into their operations to enhance brand visibility and customer engagement. It is possible to place QR codes effectively in various places, such as sales points, storefronts, packaging, and promotional materials, but placing them on billboards requires careful consideration of factors such as visibility, weather resilience, and integration into overall design aesthetics. Billboard QR codes are effective tools for providing people with convenient access to online information.

How to Make QR Codes More Accessible and Increase Scans

To make QR codes more accessible, consider the following list.

  • The QR code size: Small-size QR codes are challenging to spot for individuals. Enlarging the QR codes’ size makes them more noticeable. The size of a QR code is determined based on the distance from which it is scanned. A visible QR code must be at least 2 cm by 2 cm (0.8 in by 0.8 in), excluding the quiet zone. Adjusting the QR code's size relative to the viewer's distance is crucial. A 10:1 distance-to-size ratio is recommended. For instance, a QR code must be at least 5.08 cm (2 in) in height and width if the scanner is 50.8 cm (20 in) away. The minimum QR code size for digital applications is 6.35 cm by 6.35 cm (16 in by 16 in) at 72 DPI(dots per inch).
  • The QR code's color: Avoid changing the color scheme of the QR code. Changing the QR code's color is ill-advised because it renders the QR code difficult to scan or, worse, entirely unscannable. Remember, the background color of the QR code must consistently be darker than the background color. Ensure there is adequate contrast in the color scheme of the QR code. Keep clear of light-colored schemes, as QR code readers struggle to detect codes with lighter tones.
  • Easy-to-scan locations: The QR code placement in a physical environment is crucial in making the QR code accessible. Ensure that the QR code is positioned in a secure and easily accessible location on the medium, facilitating effortless scanning. Avoid locations that require customers to perform additional effort, such as bending or stretching, to scan the code.
  • A clear call-to-action (CTA): Simply attaching a QR code to marketing materials or other content is insufficient for engaging the audience. Therefore, include a distinct call-to-action (CTA) alongside the QR code. A call-to-action (CTA) is a concise statement or directive that motivates individuals to take a desired action, thereby fostering continued engagement with the brand. CTAs effectively grab attention and provide a quick overview of accessed content. Some individuals hesitate to scan a QR code if they are uncertain about its contents. Including a CTA clarifies the content and alleviates any concerns readers have.
  • The destination URL of the QR code: Including the destination URL of the QR code is a commonly overlooked best practice. The destination URL of the QR code ensures that the link to the content associated with the code is indicated alongside the code itself.
  • Thermal printing technology: Utilize thermal print technology for physical QR code printing on products or marketing materials like posters or flyers. Thermal printing, employing heat from a Printhead, offers superior quality and efficiency compared to traditional inkjet or laser methods. Thermal printing boasts high-quality prints for accurate scanning, fast printing speeds, low running and maintenance costs, and silent operations.
  • Business practices: Businesses use QR codes to make their brands and products more visible and accessible to people. QR codes provide information about products, services, and brands, so customers scan the codes and access the information conveniently. A successful QR code marketing campaign involves strategic planning and adherence to best practices. Examine successful campaigns like Heinz's eco-friendly packaging, Verizon's referral program, Diesel's Facebook-like campaign, L'Oréal's taxi promotion, and Kellogg's cereal promotion.

Where to Put QR Codes

QR codes are strategically put in various locations to maximize their effectiveness. QR codes are able to be placed in ten main places as listed below.

1. Point of sale

Point of sale

One effective place to display a QR code is at the sales point, such as the checkout counter. A sales point is a strategic location to direct customers to review sites or social media platforms. A QR code at the point of sale allows customers to engage with the brand beyond the physical store, potentially leading to increased customer loyalty and repeat business.

2. Storefront


Another strategic location for a QR code is the storefront, such as the front door or window. A QR code on the storefront allows potential customers to access information about the brand before entering the store. A QR code on the storefront is able to be an effective way to attract new customers and make a strong first impression.

3. In-store/Office displays

QR codes are used effectively on in-store or office displays, such as banners or tabletop displays. QR codes on in-store or office displays allow customers or clients to access additional information about a product or service while physically in the store or office. QR codes on in-store or office displays enhance the customer experience by providing immediate access to detailed product information.

4.Direct mail

Including a QR code in direct mail advertisements is able to be a powerful way to drive traffic to the website. The QR code directs recipients to a specific page on the website to learn more about the products or services. A QR code in direct mail advertisements increases the effectiveness of the direct mail campaign by providing a seamless transition from physical mail to online presence.

5. Handouts/Flyers


Promoting QR codes on handouts or event flyers engages prospective customers. QR codes on handouts or event flyers provide additional information about products or services, making handouts or flyers more interactive and interesting.

6. Packaging


Placing a QR code on product packaging gives consumers direct access to the website or specific product pages. A QR code on product packaging enhances the customer experience by providing immediate access to detailed product information, user manuals, or customer reviews.

7. Shopping bags

Shopping Bags

QR codes on shopping bags encourage customers to engage with the brand even after leaving the store. Customers explore products further, sign up for newsletters, or follow the brand on social media when scanned.

8. Business cards

Business cards

Adding a QR code to business cards provides a modern, interactive element to traditional business communication. Scannable business cards provide individuals with additional information beyond the typical information on business cards, such as a LinkedIn profile, professional website, or contact form.

9. Free samples

Distributing free samples with a QR code provides more product information and enhances the customer experience. Customers are able to access detailed product information, usage instructions, or promotional offers when scanned, making free samples more valuable and engaging.

10. Targeted audience locations

Targeted audience locations

Consider placing QR codes where people are likely to be waiting, such as bus stops or waiting rooms. Pay attention to the areas where customers spend the most time in the establishment – typically, at the bar or a table. It's common for clients to look for reading material while waiting for food or drinks before turning to their phones for distractions. Table tents cleverly combine the habits. Placing free-standing promotions on tables with a QR code encourages customers to engage with the content while they wait.


Find the Perfect Spot for QR Codes!

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Can You Put a QR Code on a Billboard?

Yes, you can put a QR code on a billboard. Putting a QR code on a billboard enables individuals passing by to scan the code and access online details about the advertised product or service. The QR code on a billboard must be positioned at a level that is easy to scan and ideally located in areas with high foot traffic. The billboard’s location is significant. For instance, roadside billboards are not as effective because people are unlikely to stop their cars to scan a code.

Billboards at stations or waiting areas where people easily scan the code are more effective. The QR code must resist weather conditions like rain, sun, and snow, affecting scalability. Durable materials must be used to print the QR code. It is important that the QR code matches the billboard's design and serves a functional purpose. A billboard's graphics and message must complement each other while being noticeable enough to attract attention.

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Content Manager

Shahla Abdulova

Shahla Abdulova is the dynamic content manager at QR Code Creator, where her creativity and intelligence shine through in every project. Renowned for her SEO-friendly blogs, Shahla crafts content that not only engages but also ranks. Outside of work, she immerses herself in the arts, finding joy in drawing and reading. Her unique blend of skills and passions makes her an invaluable asset to her team and a constant source of fresh, innovative ideas. Shahla's dedication to her craft is truly inspiring, making her a standout in her field.

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