How To Add A QR Code To A Flyer: 7 Steps How to Make And Print Flyers With QR Codes

Gunel Ismayilova

Nov 28, 2023

10 min read

Print Flyer with QR Code

Flyers with QR codes are promotional or informational materials that include QR codes for efficiently tracking marketing efforts. Flyers with QR codes are widely utilized by various businesses and organizations seeking innovative ways to engage their target audience and bridge the gap between physical and digital experiences.

The advantages of QR code flyers for businesses include providing convenient and accessible access to digital content, fostering engagement and interaction, enabling trackable analytics for data-driven decisions, offering an economical option for marketing, utilizing space efficiently, providing contactless solutions, allowing real-time updates, having flexible applications across industries, and contributing to environmental friendliness by reducing the need for extensive printed materials.

The challenges of flyers with QR codes for businesses include potential unfamiliarity with QR codes, dependency on mobile devices, the need for high-quality linked content, security concerns, technical issues with scanning, reliance on mobile data or Wi-Fi, and the risk of overuse leading to customer desensitization or perception of spam.

Creating and printing flyers with QR codes is a highly effective technique to engage the audience and provide them with easy access to digital content. A detailed guide to how to add QR codes to flyers is provided below.

1. Select a QR code maker

Choose a QR code maker that is reputable, easy to use, and caters to specific needs when creating QR code flyers. The QR Code Creator is a reputable QR code generator tool that provides users with over 20 types of Dynamic QR code capabilities, a user-friendly interface, customization options like the ability to adjust colors, add logos or stickers, QR code editing and updating, and analytics to track engagement. Users quickly measure their QR code campaigns with the help of QR Code Creator. Choosing a reputable QR code generator simplifies creating QR codes that seamlessly integrate with the printed flyers.

2. Select the QR code type that you want

Selecting the appropriate QR code type is a pivotal decision when creating flyers with QR codes. The type of QR code chosen must align with the flyer's intended purpose. QR Code Creator supports many QR code solution types for users’ needs. Use QR codes tailored to the audience's specific needs, such as Website QR codes for linking to a website, vCard QR codes for sharing contacts, WiFi QR codes for setting up a network, Email QR codes for contacting quickly, Video QR codes for advertising, and so on. A QR Code of the right type ensures that flyers' recipients seamlessly access digital content or take the desired action with a simple scan, enhancing their effectiveness and engagement.

3. Enter the data needed to make the content visible

Entering the necessary data is crucial to making the content accessible through the QR code on the flyer. Depending on the chosen QR code type, input the relevant information into the QR Code generator. Enter the website link when creating a Website QR code for flyers to direct scanners to the website when the QR code is scanned. Provide contact information, such as name, phone number, email address, and job title, if creating a vCard QR code on flyers. Input the geographical coordinates or address for Location QR codes. Accurate and complete data entry ensures that QR Codes link to the intended content and deliver a seamless and meaningful experience for those interacting. Double-checking the entered data for accuracy is highly recommended to prevent errors that lead to confusion or frustration for users scanning the QR code flyers.

4. Make the QR code unique

Creating a unique QR code flyer design involves adding a touch of personalization or branding to the QR code. Customizing the appearance of the QR code makes it stand out and aligns with the flyer's design aesthetics. QR Code Creator offers options to change the colors, stickers, add a logo, or modify the patterns within the QR code, enhancing its visual appeal. Include a brief instruction, like a call to action (CTA) next to the QR code to prompt viewers to scan it for more information. QR codes make the audience more engaged by making them visually appealing and connecting their digital content with the printed flyer. However, ensure that individual customizations do not compromise the QR code's scanning functionality; the QR code must remain scannable and functional across various devices and scanners.

5. Choose a Static or Dynamic QR code

Static or Dynamic QR codes depend on how flexible the user wants the QR code's content to be over time. A Static QR code contains fixed information that doesn't change once it’s generated. Static QR codes work well when the linked content, such as a website or contact details, won't frequently need updates.

It’s recommended to use a Dynamic QR code on flyers. Dynamic QR codes offer more flexibility. A Dynamic QR code allows users to change the linked content without altering the QR code itself. A Dynamic QR code flyer is particularly advantageous if users anticipate updates to the content, want to track user interactions or wish to avoid re-printing flyers whenever the linked content changes.

Dynamic QR codes often come with management platforms that allow users to modify the linked URLs or data remotely. Dynamic QR codes are convenient and require a subscription or additional fees. Make the decision based on specific needs – Dynamic QR code is more suitable if users foresee content updates or want to gather data on usage. Otherwise, a Static QR code serves its purpose effectively.

6. Create and inspect the QR code

Click the “Finish” button after inputting the data and making any desired customizations. Users see the QR code that has been generated on their dashboard. It is critical to thoroughly inspect the QR code after it has been generated before finalizing QR code placement on a flyer. Scan the QR code on the flyer using a smartphone camera or QR Code scanning app to ensure it directs to the correct content. Double-check that the linked information aligns with intentions and that there are no errors or typos.

Assess the QR code's visual clarity and readability. Ensure it's not too small to be scanned comfortably and that any customizations, such as colors or logos, haven't compromised its scannability. A well-constructed QR code must have a high error correction level, meaning it is scanned even if it's slightly damaged or printed with minor imperfections. Confirm that the QR code flyer maintains its functionality under various conditions.

7. Add it to your flyer after downloading the appropriate format

The QR code is ready to be integrated into the physical or digital flyer after it has been created and verified. Start by downloading the QR code from the QR Code Creator in the appropriate format, such as PNG, JPG, EPS, or SVG. Click the “Download” button to save the QR code to the device. Use some design apps to make flyers and position the QR code strategically on the flyer using graphic design software. Choose a prominent and easily accessible location, ensuring it's large enough to be scanned without difficulty. Its combination of visual placement and clear direction maximizes the likelihood of the audience interacting with the QR code.


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What are flyers with QR codes?

Flyers with QR codes are promotional or informational material that includes QR codes for efficiently tracking marketing efforts. QR codes on flyers are scanned using a smartphone camera or QR code scanner, which directs the user to a specific webpage, app, or content. Flyers with QR code technology have gained popularity due to their convenience in quickly accessing information without needing to type in URLs or search for content manually.

Who uses flyers with QR codes?

Flyers with QR codes are widely utilized by various businesses and organizations seeking innovative ways to engage their target audience and bridge the gap between physical and digital experiences. Retailers often employ interactive flyers to give customers instant access to product details, discounts, and online shopping options. Event organizers use QR code flyers to streamline attendee interactions, offering event schedules, ticket purchasing, and venue information. Restaurants and cafes leverage flyers with QR codes to enable contactless menu viewing and ordering. Museums, galleries, and educational institutions utilize QR code flyers to enhance visitor engagement by delivering multimedia content and supplementary information about exhibits. Businesses of all sizes use QR flyers for promotions, lead generation, and directing users to social media profiles or websites. The growing trend illustrates the adaptability of QR code-equipped flyers across various sectors, enhancing customer experiences and interaction points in an increasingly digitized world.

What are the advantages of flyers with QR codes for businesses?

The advantages of flyers with QR codes for businesses are listed below.

  • Convenience and Accessibility: QR codes provide a quick way for customers to access digital content or information. Smartphone users instantly access websites, videos, product details, and more by scanning a QR code flyer.
  • Engagement and Interaction: QR codes create an interactive experience by linking physical materials (flyers, brochures, and posters) to digital content. QR code engagement increases interest and leads to more extended customer interactions with a brand.
  • Trackable Analytics: QR Code Creator offers analytics that track the number of scans and user engagement. The data helps businesses measure the effectiveness of their marketing efforts and make data-driven decisions.
  • Economical option: Printing QR code flyers is cost-effective compared to traditional print advertising. This is especially true when considering the potential for more engagement and conversions through the digital content accessed via the Dynamic QR code.
  • Space Efficiency: Flyers have limited space for content, but QR codes allow businesses to provide additional information without cluttering the physical material. QR codes on flyers are particularly beneficial for conveying detailed product specifications, instructions, or event schedules.
  • Contactless Solutions: QR code flyers offer contactless solutions for activities such as menu viewing, event registration, and purchase, making the customer experience more convenient.
  • Real-Time Updates: Dynamic QR codes are linked to online content that is updated in real-time. Providing updates to QR codes on posters, QR codes on brochures, or flyers is particularly useful for promoting new products, events, and promotions.
  • Flexible application: QR code flyers are used in various industries and scenarios, from retail and hospitality to education and nonprofit organizations. Their versatility makes them adaptable to different business needs.
  • Environmental friendliness: QR codes contribute to environmentally friendly practices and reduce paper waste by reducing the need for extensive printed materials.

What are the challenges of flyers with QR codes for businesses?

The Challenges of Flyers with QR Codes for Businesses are listed below.

  • QR Code Familiarity: Some demographics are unfamiliar with QR codes or how to scan them, leading to a potential barrier to engagement, especially among older or less tech-savvy audiences.
  • Mobile Device Dependence: Scanning flyers with QR codes requires a smartphone or tablet with a functioning camera and a QR code scanner app. Businesses must consider that not all customers have access to these devices.
  • Content Quality: The content linked to the QR code must be well-designed, relevant, and engaging. A poor quality link or one that doesn't align with customer expectations results in disappointment and loss of trust.
  • Security Concerns: Users are hesitant to scan QR code flyers due to concerns about security and potential malware or phishing risks. Businesses need to assure customers that the linked content is safe.
  • Technical Issues: Scanning QR codes is not always working smoothly due to poor lighting, low-resolution images, or malfunctioning scanning apps. It sometimes frustrates users and deters engagement.
  • Mobile Data and Wi-Fi: Accessing the content linked to the QR code requires an internet connection. Users without mobile data or Wi-Fi are unable to view the content immediately, affecting the user experience.
  • Overuse: Businesses must be cautious about overusing QR codes in their marketing materials. The presence of QR codes everywhere causes customers to become desensitized to them or perceive them as spam.

What elements should your flyers with QR codes have?

The elements your Flyers with QR codes should have are listed below.

  • Call to Action (CTA): Provide a clear and concise call to action instructing readers to scan the QR code flyers. Use action-oriented language that conveys the benefit of scanning, such as "Scan to learn more," "Unlock exclusive offers," or "Access event details."
  • Visual Design: Create flyers that are visually appealing and align with the brand. Ensure a clean layout that allows the QR code to stand out while maintaining a cohesive design aesthetic.
  • QR code benefits: Highlight the benefits of scanning the QR code on flyers. Provide users with clear information about the value they expect to receive, whether it is exclusive content, discounts, informative videos, or special offers.
  • Visual Indicators: Use visual cues such as arrows or icons pointing to the QR code to draw attention. It helps guide readers' eyes toward the code and encourages scanning.
  • QR code Placement: Position the QR code prominently on the flyer where it's easily noticeable. Place it above the fold or in a central location to maximize visibility.
  • Design Balance: Maintain a balanced design by ensuring the QR code doesn't overpower the other elements on the flyer. Maintain a harmonious composition that guides the reader's gaze effectively.
  • Short URL: Consider displaying a short URL on a flyer for those who prefer typing it in manually alongside the QR code. It accommodates users who are not able to scan QR codes.
  • Custom QR Code Flyer Design: Customizing the appearance of the QR code to include branding elements or colors makes it more visually appealing and on-brand.
  • Mobile-Friendly Content: Ensure the linked content is mobile-responsive, as many users access it from their smartphones. Test the linked content across different devices to ensure a seamless user experience.

How big should the QR code be in the flyers?

The QR code in the Flyers should be 2x2cm (0.8x0.8 in), but larger sizes are necessary if they're going to be viewed far away. It is essential to consider several factors when determining the size of a QR code on a flyer, like the distance from which it is scanned and the device's capabilities. A QR code must be large enough to ensure that it's easily detectable by smartphone cameras for optimal scanning. Testing the QR code's scannability across different devices and distances helps determine the most suitable size for the specific flyer and audience.

Why are flyers with QR codes effective?

Flyers with QR codes are effective because they enhance the overall user experience, drive traffic to online platforms, and enable marketers to track the effectiveness of their campaigns through the analytics associated with the QR code scans.

QR codes on flyers bridge the gap between offline and online interactions, allowing people to quickly access digital content or websites by scanning the QR code flyer with their smartphones. The seamless transition enhances user engagement and encourages immediate interaction with the advertised information, whether it's a website, a promotional offer, event details, or product information. QR code flyers provide a sense of curiosity and convenience, as individuals are intrigued to discover what lies behind the QR code. They save time spent typing in URLs or searching the Internet.

Can a restaurant use flyers with QR codes?

Yes, restaurants can use flyers with QR codes to their advantage. QR codes offer various benefits to restaurants regarding customer engagement and convenience. Restaurants create flyers with QR codes that lead to a digital menu, allowing customers to browse their offerings, prices, and unique dishes easily. It minimizes the need for physical menus and enhances the overall dining experience.

QR codes are used to link to online reservation systems, enabling customers to book tables seamlessly. QR code flyers provide exclusive discounts, promotions, or loyalty programs, encouraging repeat visits. Restaurants gather valuable customer insights by linking QR codes to feedback forms or survey flyers. QR codes on flyers promote upcoming events, live music performances, or other activities happening at the restaurant.

Can a real estate business use flyers with QR codes?

Yes, a real estate business can use flyers with QR codes to enhance their marketing efforts. Including a QR code on flyers allows potential buyers or renters to access more property information quickly. Potential clients get a comprehensive view of the property from their smartphones by linking the QR code to a virtual tour, additional photos, floor plans, or detailed property descriptions. The convenience saves time and offers a more interactive experience, increasing the likelihood of generating interest and inquiries. QR codes are used to link to the agent's contact details or a scheduling tool for property viewings, making the process smoother for both parties.

Can I use flyers with QR codes for surveys?

Yes, anyone can use flyers with QR codes for surveys. Adding a QR code to a flyer that leads to an online survey is a convenient and efficient way to gather feedback or conduct market research. Individuals quickly provide their opinions, suggestions, or responses when they scan the QR code survey flyers with their smartphones. Using QR codes for surveys eliminates the need for participants to manually enter a URL, making it more likely that they'll engage with the survey. QR codes on flyers are used for customer satisfaction surveys, event feedback, product feedback, and more. Just ensure that the survey platform chosen is mobile-friendly and that the survey itself is concise and well-structured to encourage participation.

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Lead Content Manager

Gunel Ismayilova

Gunel is the Lead Content Manager at QR Code Creator, where she excels in creating SEO-friendly content and developing creative topics for the website. With a strong background in content writing, Gunel ensures that all content is optimized for search engines and resonates with the target audience. Her passion for storytelling and attention to detail make her work both informative and captivating. Gunel enjoys reading and painting activities that inspire her creativity and provide fresh perspectives.

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