QR Code Surveys: The Pioneering Way to Boost Response Rates

Ilaha Mammadova

Jul 22, 2024

9 min read

QR code Surveys

Have you ever considered the effectiveness of your work? You believe that it is effective. But how many people are fully satisfied or dissatisfied with your work?

I know what you’re thinking. You guessed that we would discuss surveys and their challenges, such as paperwork, mixed results, and days spent analyzing data. However, is there a more efficient, straightforward, and engaging way to approach this task? Yes!

It's great that you've stopped providing people with paper and have transitioned to using QR codes for surveys. What a fantastic experience that must be! But before you rush off to create a QR code for a survey, take a moment to learn more about them through this blog.

Let's look at how to gather feedback with QR codes!

What is a QR Code Survey?

A QR code survey is a digital survey conducted through a QR code and can be participated in by simply scanning it with an ordinary phone camera. QR code surveys increase overall participation because they are very easy to use. Implementing a survey via a QR code is convenient for both the party conducting the survey and the customers. Since QR code surveys are interesting and easy for customers, they can participate with just one scan. Companies benefit from this because they can gather much feedback through participation. Considering that both negative and positive feedback is very important for a company, we can say that using QR codes for surveys is an indispensable technology for them. Using the QR Code Creator, a survey QR code can be created and utilized within seconds using the URL (website) solution type. This type of survey, which is easy to use and encourages participation, is perfect!

How to Make a Survey with a QR Code

To make a survey with a QR code for Google Form, 6 steps are listed below.

  1. Create a survey. Platforms like Google Forms make it easy to create a survey. Simply add the questions you want, and your survey is ready!
  2. Access survey QR code generator. Enter QR Code Creator, one of the perfect generators for easily creating any QR code.
  3. Select the URL (website) solution type. You need a Website solution type to paste the survey link to create a survey with a QR code. Choose it to continue creating your survey QR code.
  4. Add the survey link. After selecting the URL (website) solution type, copy and paste your survey link here. This is the most crucial part of your QR code.
  5. Design the QR code. Once your survey QR code is ready, you can design it however you like. QR code survey generator offers various colors and shapes, and you can choose any of them.
  6. Download the QR code. After the design process, the survey QR code is completely ready. Simply click the download button to download the QR code and use it in any way you need.


Start Collecting Feedback with a Survey QR Code!

Transform the way you gather feedback by using a QR code for your surveys. Enhance engagement and get actionable insights with just a scan.

What are the advantages of QR code surveys?

We always love to know the advantages of anything, including a QR code survey. Understanding how it could benefit us is crucial. So, let's look at the advantages of a QR code survey!

  • Cost-effective: QR code surveys offer a cost-effective solution, requiring only a single code instead of printing thousands of paper surveys. Additionally, they help reduce the environmental impact associated with excessive paper usage, which we all know is critical to the health of our planet. Using a QR code survey is a small but meaningful step towards a more eco-friendly future.
  • Real-time data: A QR code survey offers real-time data that is useful for various purposes, such as organizing applicable events or conducting other surveys. This data can provide valuable insights into what people are thinking about your business or organization in the present moment. Once you have collected this data, you can analyze it and use it to benefit your customer base.
  • More survey takers: QR code surveys' convenience has increased respondents' participation. With the ability to scan the code and provide feedback easily, people are more likely to engage and express their thoughts. The flexibility of QR code surveys also allows respondents to quickly complete the survey with just one scan, whether on the subway, bus or at home. Furthermore, being surveyed can make respondents feel valued, as it demonstrates that their opinions are being heard and considered.

Why businesses should get feedback with QR code surveys

Firstly, let's consider the importance of feedback in general. Feedback is vital in all types of businesses, regardless of industry. It provides valuable insights into what's working well, what needs improvement, and what's not working. Addressing customer grievances is crucial for any business, and surveys allow people to express their thoughts and dissatisfaction about a particular service or product. On the other hand, surveys allow businesses to strive for tremendous success.

That's why gathering feedback from customers is always essential. But why is the QR code for a survey crucial for collecting feedback? Because it's so handy. Generating a QR code for a survey eliminates the need for paper and pen, making the process entirely digital. Participants can simply scan the code and fill out the questions on the form without needing anything else. Additionally, anonymity can be preserved if desired. The survey only asks for feedback related to the business without requesting personal information such as names or surnames. So, those who prefer to keep their privacy intact can comfortably participate in the survey while providing valuable feedback to the business.

When to Use a QR Code Survey

QR code surveys are especially useful when feedback or data needs to be collected. Often, companies need to know what their customers think about their products and services because this allows them to make certain changes. Therefore, QR code surveys are an effective solution for this purpose. For example, it is particularly important to highlight restaurants and hotels where QR code surveys are very important. Whenever they need customer feedback, they should conduct these surveys. Hotel services and the taste of the food can be improved based on customer feedback. Additionally, during event planning, in the healthcare sector, and market research, there is always a need to gather feedback, and QR code surveys are helpful in these situations. This digital survey, which can be completed with just one scan, greatly benefits companies or sectors. Through surveys, companies can identify what is lacking, what needs improvement, and what is in good condition.

What is the difference between a QR code survey and other surveys?

Could you ever change survey information on paper without printing new paper? Unless you have magical powers, the answer is likely no. And what about knowing the number of responses without counting thousands of papers? Once again, the answer is no unless you possess some mysterious abilities. But these are possible. How?! With QR code!

Let me clarify the remarkable benefits of using QR code surveys over other surveys!

  • Editable: If you need to change your survey, you can easily access the dashboard and update the data. Once the changes are made, anyone who scans the QR code will see the updated information without needing a new code or form for the survey. This is the perfection of the survey with a QR code, as it allows quick and easy updates to be made in seconds.
  • Trackable: Using a QR code survey allows you to track the number of people scanning the code and gather additional information, such as the scan time and the device used for scanning. This level of detailed tracking is what makes QR code surveys so special!
  • Take your survey to where your audience is: One of the main factors distinguishing a survey with a QR code from other QR codes is its ability to reach the audience anywhere. A single QR code is created, and it can be used both digitally and printed on any material. Wherever the audience is most active, they can access and participate in the survey with just one scan.

Which industries gather feedback with QR code surveys?

This is the best part of our blog! Various industries use QR code surveys to encourage participation and gather customer feedback. Are you ready to take a closer look at some of them?


Gathering feedback from customers is crucial for restaurants, as it allows them to improve the quality of their service, food, and pricing. Codes can be placed on menus, bills, tables, doors, and parking tickets to encourage customers to participate in QR code surveys. Additionally, for restaurants that offer delivery services, a survey with a QR code can be placed on the packaging of the products. This ensures that even people who don't dine in restaurants can still easily share their thoughts.


Hotels, as a customer-focused industry, greatly value receiving feedback from their guests. Many hotels have started using QR codes for surveys to make the feedback process more convenient for their customers. QR codes can be placed on different sides of the hotel, including the reception desk, maps, entrance of active zones, rooms, restaurant tables, etc. Hotels can also include the QR code on their website, allowing guests to access the survey easily.


Airports use survey QR codes to collect passenger feedback, which can be conveniently found in various locations throughout the airport. The entrance, main hall, and areas where passengers obtain boarding passes and tickets are particularly suitable. In addition, to gather feedback during the flight, QR codes can also be placed behind each seat.

Events, conferences, seminars, and meetingsEvents, conferences, seminars, and meetings

After hosting a successful event, gathering feedback from attendees about their experience is always beneficial. One effective way to collect feedback is by providing survey QR code tables, entry points, banners, a QR code survey flyer, or presentation slides.

You can even include the survey on the tickets. At the end of the event, you can encourage participants to fill out the survey by scanning the code. Analyzing the feedback survey results can give you valuable insights into what aspects of the event were successful and what areas could be improved. Using this feedback to improve future events will ensure they are even more successful and satisfying for attendees.


Any kind of bad service or mistake is unacceptable in the healthcare industry. So, gathering customer feedback is crucial to identify and prevent potential issues. One effective way to collect feedback is by utilizing a survey with a QR code in high-traffic areas such as the entrance, waiting area, and restroom. Customers can conveniently and comfortably provide feedback by placing these codes in prominent locations.


In the entertainment industry, if customers have a negative experience, they are unlikely to return to the same place. So, collecting feedback is essential to ensure customer satisfaction and loyalty. The best way to gather feedback for this industry is by providing survey forms with QR codes in menus, tickets, and active entertainment zones. By offering convenient and accessible ways for customers to provide feedback, they will likely do so comfortably and honestly.


Obtaining feedback from students is essential, particularly for universities and colleges. Survey QR codes can be placed in high-traffic areas such as classrooms, library cards, bulletin boards, and dining areas. This can help gather valuable insights and student feedback to improve the learning experience.


Customer feedback is invaluable in the retail industry and can directly impact sales. For this reason, product packaging presents an ideal location for posting survey QR codes. Regardless of the product sold, retailers can easily collect customer opinions by placing the code on the packaging. Codes can be placed on the door, inside the store, on walls, on banners, and even on payment receipts.

Bonus: Employee Feedback

A comprehensive survey that covers all major sectors targets employees. Employee motivation and enthusiasm are crucial for businesses, directly impacting work efficiency. Companies can create a survey with a QR code for employee feedback to gather thoughts about the company. This feedback can be used to gauge employee satisfaction levels, identify areas of concern, and make necessary improvements.

9 Effective methods to boost QR code survey response rate9 Effective methods to boost QR code survey response rate

Sometimes, people are unwilling to answer survey questions and continually delay or do not participate. In such cases, it is essential to identify effective strategies to encourage survey participation.

  1. Offer rewards. If you have enough budget, offering gifts or discounts is an ideal method to encourage survey participation. People tend to respond positively to gifts when they are easy to obtain. Displaying the offer before scanning the QR code can increase the response rate.
  2. Make them feel special. Individuals are more likely to participate in a survey when they feel valued and appreciated. So, when presenting the survey QR code, it is essential to use the appropriate language before or after scanning it. Customizing these sentences can help convey that their opinions are important and will be considered. This can make individuals feel unique and more inclined to participate in the survey.
  3. Use short and clear sentences. People tend to avoid anything lengthy and challenging to comprehend. As such, using clear and concise language when creating survey questions is crucial. Careful consideration should ensure that sentences are easy to understand and convenient to read to encourage individuals to participate in the survey.
  4. Select the correct target audience. If an individual is not familiar with the subject matter of a survey, they may be less likely to complete it. To increase participation rates, targeting the appropriate audience and encouraging them to complete the survey is essential. You can ensure that people will complete the survey by identifying and reaching out to the relevant audience.
  5. Give detailed information about the survey. If the purpose of a survey is not communicated to the participant, it can lead to confusion and frustration. People are more likely to complete a survey when they understand its value and benefits. So, it's crucial to take the time to clearly explain the purpose of the survey and how it will benefit the participant.
  6. Optimize for mobile devices. QR codes are a popular option for mobile scanning, so your survey should be optimized for mobile devices.
  7. Keep the survey short. The longer the survey, the more it tires people. Even if the questions are interesting, answering numerous questions can become tedious. Therefore, when creating a QR code survey, limiting the number of questions is important to ensure enough people participate, increasing the response rate.
  8. Test the results. After conducting a survey with a QR code, it's crucial to analyze the results. Once the QR code is scanned, you can see the number of scans, the time of scanning, the device used, and the location of the scan. By analyzing this data, you can understand your audience and prepare a more effective survey next time, increasing the response rate.
  9. Share across multiple channels. Sharing the survey QR code on just one channel is insufficient. The QR code should be shared in as many places as possible to reach a larger audience, including digital and printed materials in various locations. The more exposure the QR code gets, the higher the response rate.

Where should I place my QR code for better response rates?

The sectors where QR codes are used can affect their effectiveness. Generally, sharing survey QR codes in both the physical world and digital platforms is crucial because this allows you to reach more people and achieve better response rates. In the physical world, QR codes should be placed in high-traffic areas, while in the digital world, they can be distributed via email and social media.

In retail and hospitality, placing survey QR codes at checkout counters, on receipts, and on table tents can yield effective results as these are highly visible spots. It is advantageous to present QR codes at entry and exit doors, in brochures, and on slides for events and training sessions.

For product-selling companies, placing QR codes on packaging is particularly beneficial. In healthcare, placing QR codes in waiting rooms will be effective. In summary, you should focus on displaying the survey QR code in locations where your target audience is most likely to be found.

Receiving feedback is an essential and effective tool for all industries. Businesses can easily obtain valuable insights by using QR codes for surveys. Unlike other surveys, QR code surveys can be edited and allow tracking of those who scan them.

Furthermore, as printing is unnecessary, a QR code survey is cost-effective. The QR code can be displayed in various locations, allowing almost all sectors to receive customer feedback in seconds. By creating an ideal survey, the response rate can be even higher. Overall, QR code surveys are a convenient, efficient, and handy tool for identifying errors and problems and improving business growth.

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Content Manager

Ilaha Mammadova

As an experienced content manager, Ilaha specializes in crafting SEO-friendly content that blends creativity and strategy. With a passion for delivering high-quality, engaging content, Ilaha focuses on innovative ideas to help brands elevate their digital presence. Her dedication to excellence ensures that every piece ranks well and resonates with the target audience, making a lasting impact. In her free time, she enjoys singing a song and capturing moments through photography, adding an extra touch of creativity to everything she does.

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