QR Codes for Books: Boost Reader Engagement & Promote Books

Gunel Ismayilova

Jul 29, 2024

5 min read

QR codes for Books

Are you tired of reading a book that feels like missing something? Do you wish you could have access to additional content to understand the story or characters better? Well, you're in luck!

QR codes are revolutionizing the book industry and taking reading to a new level. These little codes can now be found in books, providing readers access to exclusive content, behind-the-scenes information, and interactive learning experiences.

In this blog, we'll explore how QR codes can transform book marketing, enhance the reading experience, and make learning more interactive and fun. Plus, we'll share some interesting examples of QR codes in books, from exclusive book cover content to audio versions of your favorite reads.

So, get ready to scan and explore as we dive into the beautiful realm of book QR codes!

How to use QR codes on Book

For those who haven't yet been introduced to the wonder of a QR code, here's a quick explanation: QR codes are tiny symbols that can be scanned by a smartphone camera, allowing you to access a website or other digital content quickly.

And now, some clever publishers are starting to include QR codes in their books, offering readers a whole new level of interactivity and convenience. They can be used in books for a variety of purposes.

Marketing Purpose of QR Codes on BooksMarketing Purpose of QR Codes on Books

Let's discuss how these tiny QR codes can transform book marketing.

  • Getting the word out about books. Firstly, QR codes are great for promoting book releases. It is possible to use QR codes for ordering books. They can direct to pre-order pages or online bookstores where readers can get their hands on the latest and most enjoyable reads. Who doesn't love being the first to read a new book? Plus, by using QR codes to promote book releases, authors and publishers can build up hype and anticipation for their upcoming releases.

  • Making books more sellable. Next up, they are used to encourage book sales. QR codes can provide links to book trailers, author interviews, or even positive reviews to entice readers to add the book to their shopping carts. It's like giving readers a little taste of what they can expect from the book before they buy it. We all love a good sneak peek, right?

  • Engaging with readers. Last but certainly not least, the authors can reach out to their readers. QR codes can be used to provide behind-the-scenes content, such as author interviews or research notes, that can give readers a deeper understanding of the book and the author's creative process. It's like getting VIP access to the inner workings of a book, and who wouldn't want that?

Educational purpose: How do you use QR codes for education?

Educational purpose of QR codes on books

QR codes are also becoming increasingly popular in educational books. Books with QR codes are fun and exciting resources for children to explore new topics and learn more about the world around them. Now let's see the educational purposes of QR codes for children's books.

  • Providing supplemental materials. Book QR codes in the classroom can be used as supplemental materials to enhance a child's understanding of the story. For example, a QR code might lead to a video or audio clip that explains a difficult concept or provides additional background information on a topic mentioned in the book.
  • Enhancing the reading experience. QR codes can also enhance the reading experience by making it more interactive and engaging. Children can use their smartphones or tablets to scan the code and access multimedia content that brings the story to life.
  • Offering behind-the-scenes content. QR codes offer behind-the-scenes content that can help children develop a deeper appreciation for the creative process behind the book. For instance, a QR code might lead to a video of the author discussing their inspiration for the story or a tour of the illustrator's studio where the artwork was created.

Awesome Benefits of QR code for class reading books

There are many benefits of QR codes in books to make learning more interactive and fun. Let's see!

  • No more boring reading: They can help students engage more deeply with the book. By providing additional multimedia content, QR codes can help students understand complex concepts, visualize settings and characters, and develop a deeper appreciation for the story.
  • Supporting different learning styles: QR codes for kids' books can accommodate different learning styles. Children who learn best through visual or auditory means can benefit from videos, audio clips, and other multimedia content accompanying the book. Access to audio or video content, images, or links makes them feel like they're on a wild ride through the story!
  • Smart studying: QR codes for children's books can be a lifesaver for textbooks and educational materials. They provide quick access to additional information, like quizzes, tests, or interactive lessons, making studying more efficient and effective.
  • Fun learning: QR codes can make reading more fun and interactive. Students can use their phones or tablets to scan the codes and explore the world of the book in new and exciting ways. This helps students stay engaged and interested in the book, even if they might not have been otherwise.

Fantastic Examples of QR codes for books

Ready to get your QR code on? Let's talk about some fantastic examples of how these little boxes are popping up in books everywhere:

  • Book cover QR codes: First up, we've got book cover QR codes. Have you ever seen fancy book covers with weird squares in the corners? That's right! They are QR codes. Scan them with your smartphone, and you will unlock exclusive content like musical tracks from the book or an author interview.
  • QR codes on the Physical book’s pages: The fun doesn't stop there. QR codes are also making their way into physical books. Imagine you're reading a history book and come across a confusing map. Instead of scratching your head in confusion, just scan the QR code, and you'll be whisked away to a video tutorial that explains everything. Genius, right?
  • QR codes for e-books: Of course, e-books are getting in on the QR code action too. Imagine reading a cookbook and stumbling upon a delicious recipe you have to try. Using a Qr code in an online book, you can scan it and instantly add the recipe to your shopping list or watch a video of the chef making it step-by-step.
  • QR codes in audiobooks: It is also possible to use QR codes for listening to books. With just a quick scan, a QR code can transport you to the audio version of a book, making it easy for you to listen to it on the go, even if you don't have the time to sit down and read. This is a great way to stay connected to your favorite books, no matter where you are or what you're doing. Nowadays, some audiobooks with QR codes allow you to scan them and be taken directly to a specific part of the audiobook. This means you can easily bookmark your favorite parts or review the information you missed without having to fast-forward or rewind through the whole book. How cool is that?

The Best Practices for using QR codes in educational books

If you're an educator looking to incorporate QR codes into your educational books, here are a few tricks to make the most of this handy technology:

  1. Size matters. You don't want your QR codes to be so small that they're practically invisible or so huge that they take up half the page. Find the sweet spot and ensure they're easily scannable so students don't have to squint and strain their eyes just to access the content. To know which size is better for books, check our blog about QR code size. 
  2. Provide relevant content. When deciding what content to link to your QR codes, ensure it's relevant and valuable to the student. Don't just link to a random webpage or a video. Instead, give students content that supplements what they're learning in the book.
  3. Mix it up. The spice of life is variety, which also goes for QR code content. Mix it up with different types of content, from videos to quizzes to diagrams. The more variety you offer, the more likely students are to stay engaged and interested.
  4. Don't overdo it. While QR codes can be a great addition to an educational book, don't go overboard. Too many QR codes can be overwhelming and distracting. Nobody wants to feel like they're reading a maze instead of a book, so choose your links wisely and ensure they add value to the reading experience.

How to create a QR code for a book

Creating a QR code for your book is pretty simple! Just follow these easy steps.

  1. Determine the content to link. Decide what content you want the QR code to link to. This could be anything from a website to a video, an audio file, or even a downloadable document.
  2. Generate the QR code. Enter the content you want to link to in the QR Code Creator, which will generate a unique QR code. You can customize the QR code to fit your book cover or page layout.
  3. Test the QR code. Before printing the QR code in your book, test it to ensure it works. Scan the code with your smartphone to ensure it takes you to the intended content.
  4. Print the QR code. Once you're happy with the QR code, print it in your book. Ensure it's in a visible location and stands out on the page.

And voila! You've created a QR code for your book!


Enhance Your Book's Interactivity!

Create unique QR codes for your books to give readers instant access to additional content, author insights, and more.

Can a book be stored in a QR code?

Yes, a book can be stored in a QR code with the help of a PDF QR code type. Use our PDF QR code generator to add your book to the QR code easily. After adding your book to the PDF QR code, you can easily customize its appearance to make the book QR code more attractive. When you finish the generating QR code, click the Download button to save your QR code. 

Where does a QR code go on a book?

There is no specific rule for where to place a QR code on a book, but it is typically placed on the back cover or inside the book's front cover and bookmarks. The location should be easily accessible and visible to readers. Ultimately, the placement of a QR code will depend on the publisher's preferences and the book cover's design.

We've explored the depths of knowledge and dipped our toes in the vast ocean of information. With QR codes, books are no longer just ink and paper but a gateway to digital content and interactive experiences. It's like giving your book a secret superpower!

Dear bookworms, knowledge is not a finite resource but an endless source of discovery. Then let us continue to quench our thirst for knowledge, explore the uncharted territories of the mind, and embrace the beauty of learning with new technology like QR codes! So go ahead and scan that code, dive into a world of multimedia wonder, and rediscover the joy of reading. Books with QR codes are no longer just solitary experiences but a shared journey with the entire world at your fingertips.

As the wise Confucius once said, "Education breeds confidence. Confidence breeds hope. Hope breeds peace."

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Lead Content Manager

Gunel Ismayilova

Gunel is the Lead Content Manager at QR Code Creator, where she excels in creating SEO-friendly content and developing creative topics for the website. With a strong background in content writing, Gunel ensures that all content is optimized for search engines and resonates with the target audience. Her passion for storytelling and attention to detail make her work both informative and captivating. Gunel enjoys reading and painting activities that inspire her creativity and provide fresh perspectives.

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