Blurry QR Code - How to Fix and Avoid Blurriness

Ilaha Mammadova

Jul 01, 2024

7 min read

Blurry QR code

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A blurry QR code is a pixelated, unclear QR code that is difficult or unfeasible to scan. Blurry QR codes work, but the functionality of blurry QR codes depends on how blurry they are, the error correction level, and the scanner's scanning capability. To scan a blurry QR code, paying attention to distance, lighting conditions, and the device's camera is essential.

To fix a blurry QR code, attention must be paid to design and size, the code must be saved in the correct format, printed in high quality, and tested for scanning. To prevent blurry QR codes, a perfect QR code generator, attention to design, selecting the correct format, printing in high quality, printing in the correct size, choosing the right material and location for printing, and testing the QR code is needed.

QR codes become blurry due to issues during creation and printing. Scanning QR codes becomes very difficult, and they are not scanned sometimes when they are blurry. Therefore, it is essential to ensure that the QR code is of high quality when creating it and to test it at the end to ensure users don't encounter a blurry QR code.

What is a Blurry QR Code?

A blurry QR code is a pixelated, unclear QR code that is difficult or unfeasible to scan. QR codes become blurry for various reasons, which affects the functionality because users struggle to scan them quickly. QR codes with low resolution become blurry and pixelated, making it difficult for any scanner to read them.

Why is the QR Code Blurry?

QR codes become blurry due to printing quality, scanning conditions, and color contrast.

  • Printing quality: Low-quality images cause QR codes to blur and pixelate, preventing them from being easily scanned.
  • Scanning conditions: The QR code becomes blurry and even lose its ability to be scanned if the scanning conditions are not optimal, such as poor lighting.
  • Color contrast: QR codes become blurry when there is no color contrast or the colors in the QR code are mixed, hindering easy scanning.

Do Blurry QR Codes Work?

Blurry QR codes work, but their functionality depends on how blurry they are, the error correction level, and the scanner's scanning capability. A slightly blurry QR code is expected to be scanned, but highly blurry QR codes are difficult to scan.

The error correction level plays a significant role in handling blurriness because higher error correction levels allow more QR code data to be read accurately, making the QR codes easier to scan. Furthermore, blurry QR codes become unreadable if the error correction level is low.

The scanner's scanning capability is crucial. High-quality scanners read even blurry QR codes within seconds, whereas older devices struggle with scanning blurry QR codes. The ability to scan a blurry QR code varies depending on three factors.


Generate a non-blurry QR code!

Create a clear and high-quality QR code by following best practices in design, size, format, and printing. Ensure easy scanning and optimal functionality with a perfect QR code generator.

How to Scan a Blurry QR Code

To scan a blurry QR code, paying attention to distance, lighting conditions, and the device's camera is essential. It's recommended to use high-quality scanners when scanning blurry QR codes as they have the ability to read them accurately despite the blurriness. Adequate lighting is crucial when scanning a blurry QR code. The QR code is scanned easily when proper lighting is selected. Holding the device steady while scanning the QR code is another important factor. Checking the distance is necessary if a blurry QR code fails to scan. It's essential to try scanning again from different distances, whether close or far.

How to Fix Blurry QR CodeHow to Fix Blurry QR Code

To fix a blurry QR code online, attention must be paid to design and size, the code must be saved in the correct format, printed in high quality, and tested for scanning.

1. Pay attention to the design.

A complex design increases the chances of blurry QR codes, making scanning difficult. Therefore, paying attention to color contrast and avoiding cluttered designs when creating a QR code is essential. It is one of the main QR code fixer factors.

2. Consider the QR code size.

The size of the QR code matters because a QR code that is too small or too large becomes blurry, complicating the scanning process. A very small QR code becomes dense and blurry, while a very large QR code pixelates, leading to blurriness.

3. Save in the correct format.

QR codes become blurry if they are not saved in the correct format. Therefore, choosing a format that minimizes pixelation and maintains high quality is essential.

4. Print in high-quality.

Poor print quality automatically blurs the QR code, making scanning difficult. Hence, printers producing high-quality prints are necessary to fix a QR code blurry.

5. Test the QR code.

Testing is crucial after the QR code is fully prepared. Testing helps identify any blurriness that affects scanning and ensures the QR code works correctly.

Does it matter if a QR code is blurry?

Yes, it matters if a QR code is blurry. Here are 3 reasons why it's crucial for a QR code not to be blurry.

  • Error correction level failure: QR codes are created with different error correction levels, including low and high. However, it becomes challenging for QR codes with lower error correction levels to function correctly when blurry. Lower error correction levels struggle to aid in reading a blurry QR code.
  • Scanning difficulty: Blurry QR codes pose difficulties during the scanning process. Scanners do not read the QR code quickly, requiring multiple attempts to scan it. Sometimes, even the QR code is not scanned due to its blurriness.
  • Decreased user engagement: A blurry QR code reduces the chances of being scanned, leading to decreased user engagement. New devices sometimes scan a blurry QR code, but not everyone uses such devices to scan QR codes. Therefore, some users access the information within the QR code, but others are not able to access it due to its blurriness.

How to Prevent Blurry QR Codes

To prevent blurry QR codes 7 ways are listed below.

  1. Use a perfect QR code generator. Utilize a high-quality QR code generator to create the QR codes. QR Code Creator is an ideal tool for generating non-blurry QR codes.
  2. Pay attention to design. Pay attention to color contrast and avoid complex designs that cause blurriness in the QR code when creating a QR code.
  3. Select the correct format when uploading. Ensure upload the QR code in the correct format to avoid blurriness when printing. Choosing the proper format upon uploading is crucial.
  4. Print in high quality. Use high-quality printing to avoid blurriness when printing the QR code. High-quality printers significantly improve the print quality of the QR code.
  5. Print in the correct size. Printing the QR code in the correct size is essential to prevent blurriness. Small and excessively large QR codes experience blurriness issues.
  6. Choose the right printing material. The QR code must be printed using the appropriate material, as improper materials create a blurry QR code.
  7. Test the QR code. Always test the QR code before deploying it, as a blurry QR code does not function properly. Testing helps identify issues before the QR code reaches users, ensuring a smooth user experience.

What is the Best Resolution for a QR Code?

The best resolution for a QR code with dimensions of 2x2 cm is 76x76 pixels. The QR code is ideal in size and resolution, making it very easy to scan in that case. The pixel count is deemed sufficient. Furthermore, 38x38 pixels are considered a normal resolution for a QR code with dimensions of 1x1 cm. However, 76x76 pixels are more suitable for easy scanning.

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Content Manager

Ilaha Mammadova

As an experienced content manager, Ilaha specializes in crafting SEO-friendly content that blends creativity and strategy. With a passion for delivering high-quality, engaging content, Ilaha focuses on innovative ideas to help brands elevate their digital presence. Her dedication to excellence ensures that every piece ranks well and resonates with the target audience, making a lasting impact. In her free time, she enjoys singing a song and capturing moments through photography, adding an extra touch of creativity to everything she does.

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