Ultimate Guide to Using QR codes for Shopping Malls

Ilaha Mammadova

Apr 09, 2024

7 min read

QR codes for Shopping Malls

Imagine a place where you can eat, shop, watch a movie, and play games - all in one location. The first place that comes to mind is the mall. People enjoy spending time in malls because they offer a one-stop shop for all their needs. The mall’s staff continually looks for ways to simplify processes to encourage shoppers to spend more time there.

So what’s the solution?

Today, we'll focus on one particular & practical solution - QR codes! QR codes have become an essential tool for malls, providing quick and convenient access to information for customers. It benefits the mall's staff, advertisers, and shoppers, making everyone a winner!

Want to know more about their usage in malls?

Let's take a closer look at how malls use QR codes to enhance the shopping experience. Keep learning the QR code that has become our favorite, and make it easy at every point in our lives!

What are the benefits of using QR codes in shopping malls?

Using QR codes in shopping malls can be incredibly beneficial. So, we aren’t stopping there; we are looking at the most important advantages of using QR codes for shopping malls.

What are the benefits of using QR codes for shoppers in malls?

The primary advantage is how QR codes streamline information transfer to shoppers. In today's fast-paced world, people want everything to be quick and easy, whether making a fast payment, getting information, registering, ordering, etc. When people visit a mall to hang out and shop, they want all these processes fast.

This is where QR codes come in, as they offer a convenient way for shoppers to access the information they need with just one scan. By making it easier for shoppers, QR codes enhance the overall shopping experience at the mall.

What are the benefits of using QR codes for shopping malls and brands?

Keep reading to look at the most important advantages of using QR codes for mall staff and brands in shopping malls.

  • Editable

Every day, we encounter a variety of advertisements and announcements in malls. As soon as one event ends, another one begins, and there is always something new to discover. With so much information being changed daily, it's natural to wonder whether creating a new QR code is necessary.

So, the question is: Does a new QR code need to be prepared when anything changes in the information?

Great news! Of course not! If the design of a printed poster or billboard remains the same, but only the information is updated, it's possible to easily change information within the QR code.

Users can simply update the information through the entering dashboard, and when the QR code is scanned, it will display the updated information. There is no need to generate new QR codes for mall staff and brands.

  • Trackable

Thousands of people visit the mall daily and see various ads, but it's impossible to measure how many people have viewed them accurately by brands. However, using QR codes is entirely different. QR codes allow tracking of how many people have accessed the information provided, when accessed, and on which device.

This allows businesses to gather valuable customer data and use it as needed.

  • Cost-effective

Much money is spent on printing materials and recurring expenses. Preparing large posters and billboards full of text is also costly. However, using QR codes can reduce these costs.

With fewer printed materials, businesses can save on expenses. Instead, information can be easily placed within the QR code, and with one quick scan, people can access the information directly on their phone screens.


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How do shopping malls use QR codes?How do shopping malls use QR codes?

Now, let's move on to the exciting part of our blog!

Malls are using a variety of useful applications for QR codes. Let's take a look at them one by one.


QR codes are ideal for promoting brands in malls.

Instead of distributing flyers or creating text-heavy billboards and posters, malls can now display brand ads using QR codes.

A single QR code can provide access to information about various brands and their products or services, including prices, social media accounts, addresses, phone numbers, and much more.

When shoppers want to learn more about a brand, they can quickly scan the QR code to obtain the desired information.

This approach benefits both the brand and the shoppers. Brands can promote their products to people, and shoppers can be informed about the brand, potentially leading to brand loyalty.

Malls are also prime locations for brands to promote their campaigns and discounts.

Brands often collaborate with malls to deliver powerful campaigns and discounts using QR codes.

With a scan, shoppers can get a discount or benefit from the campaign.


QR codes are also useful applications in malls for navigation. With so many stores and shops, finding the store you need can be challenging.

Even after walking around for several minutes, trying to find the different floors and sides of the mall can be difficult without clear guidance.

Fortunately, shoppers can scan a location QR code to see a clear route to their desired store.

By doing so, they can easily find the store they are looking for and see exactly where it is in the mall.


Malls often host various events, and QR codes can be a valuable tool for providing people with extensive information about these events.

QR codes can provide information about the event’s location, purpose, social media accounts, website, and even a video QR code that offers a more comprehensive event overview.

By selecting the type of information they wish to provide and embedding it within a QR code, event organizers can effectively promote their events to shoppers.

This allows shoppers to learn about the event and decide whether to participate.

Additionally, organizers can create a QR code for shoppers to register for the event.

With the registration QR code, people just scan and fill in the form for registration, making it a convenient and efficient way to register for events.

ID employee

The incidence of fraud is rising, posing a significant challenge in shopping malls with a constant influx of people.

Mall staff can equip employees with ID verification cards to combat this issue.

This is especially crucial as it is becoming increasingly easy to forge traditional ID cards.

However, creating an ID card via a QR code is a slightly different story.

Each card has its unique code, and scanning it will reveal the cardholder's personal information.

This method ensures that the card is authentic and belongs to the rightful employee, thus helping to prevent fraud in the mall.


Development is a constant pursuit of perfection, and what better way to achieve this than by identifying and correcting mistakes?

This is where feedback forms come in handy. By gathering people's opinions, both positive and negative, businesses can improve their operations and achieve more desirable outcomes.

QR code-enabled feedback forms are beneficial as they easily collect people's opinions on products.

With a single scan, the form opens, allowing people to express their thoughts and concerns.

By leveraging this tool, staff can quickly identify issues and take appropriate measures to address them, resulting in a more efficient and effective business.


This allows brands to effectively communicate their offers to potential customers to increase orders.

Furthermore, shoppers can easily order products using QR codes found on product displays.

These QR codes, often accompanied by the text "Order now," are designed to facilitate the ordering process.

By scanning the QR code, shoppers can quickly and easily order the desired product.

How do businesses use QR codes in shopping malls?

As you know, malls house various businesses, from clothing and electronics stores to entertainment centers and restaurants. These businesses also use QR codes to make processes easier for themselves and their customers.

So, why do businesses use QR codes?

  • Payment: Payment is one of the most common uses of QR codes. Many businesses have adopted QR code payments as a quick and convenient way for customers to pay for their purchases. Customers can easily and securely pay for their required services with a single scan.
  • Product packaging: QR codes can also be placed on various products to give customers important information about products and brands. Regardless of what type of product a business offers, a QR code can be added to it to provide customers with additional details.
  • Inventory management: While barcodes have traditionally been used for inventory tracking, QR codes have become more popular due to their advanced features. Creating a bulk QR code makes tracking products using this technology possible and more efficient.
  • Social media: Businesses can create a QR code for social media to promote their accounts with just a single scan.
  • Website: By generating a QR code using the website's URL, businesses can easily create a URL QR code to enable individuals to obtain information about their company easily.
  • App: If a business has an application that they want users to download, they can increase the number of downloads by promoting the App QR code within the mall. This makes it easy for people to access the app and can help to boost its popularity.
  • Wi-Fi: Restaurants and entertainment centers inside a shopping mall can enhance the experience for their customers by providing Wi-Fi access through a Wi-Fi QR code. This allows people to enjoy their time with greater ease and comfort. Without having to ask anyone for the password for Wi-Fi.
  • Menu: This is particularly useful for restaurants. Instead of printing menus like a large magazine, customers can easily view the menu by simply scanning the QR code.

3 different ideas for using QR codes for shopping malls

We have listed examples of QR codes that are constantly used in malls. Are you ready to look at 3 different application ideas?


Shopping malls face difficulties collecting resumes when new employees are required, given the high number of vacancies and the challenge of reaching out to potential candidates. But, as many people visit malls during the day, they can be an ideal place to promote job vacancies to interested individuals.

By simply generating a QR code for the job application form and displaying it within the mall, job seekers can easily access it and apply for available positions.

With just one scan, the form opens up, and they can either fill in the necessary information or submit their resumes.



Creating a simple QR code for shopping malls is a quick and easy way to pay for parking. This eliminates the need for lengthy payment processes, allowing users to scan and pay within seconds. There is no waiting time and no manual payment process. Just scan and pay your parking fee.



In addition, there are many restaurants, markets, and shops within larger malls. By displaying an information QR code at the mall entrance, detailed information about the mall and its offerings can be easily accessed. People can scan the QR code to obtain information on the various places within the mall. For example, if you're looking for a particular brand and aren't sure if it's located in this mall.

So you can scan this QR code to see all the places there. QR codes can also be on the malls' websites or social media accounts. Additionally, other different information can be included in this QR code. For example, the mall's history can be included to provide detailed information.


In conclusion, the QR code allows for the efficient transmission of information to many individuals throughout the day, achieving effective results. The QR code is also one of the quickest methods for placing advertisements in malls and promoting events or competitions.

By scanning a single code, shoppers can access the necessary information, and brands can deliver various types of information to people in distinct ways. QR codes for shopping malls are not only helpful in finding locations in large spaces, but they can also prevent fraudulent activity.

The versatility of the QR code allows it to benefit staff, shoppers, and brands all at once, making it a fantastic tool for all involved. Remarkably, the QR code has become such a ubiquitous part of our lives, and we are fortunate to be able to use it in so many ways!

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Content Manager

Ilaha Mammadova

As an experienced content manager, Ilaha specializes in crafting SEO-friendly content that blends creativity and strategy. With a passion for delivering high-quality, engaging content, Ilaha focuses on innovative ideas to help brands elevate their digital presence. Her dedication to excellence ensures that every piece ranks well and resonates with the target audience, making a lasting impact. In her free time, she enjoys singing a song and capturing moments through photography, adding an extra touch of creativity to everything she does.

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